autognostics is a practice of applied
  1. philosophy through a doctrine of practical autonomy;
  2. ontology via methods for the study of being; and,
  3. aesthtics expressed in creative practice.
    we maintain:
  1. a strongly held, meaningful, and sincere belief in rational thought that is informed by scientific reason and free of supernatural superstition;
  2. commitment to rational values through education, scientific progress, civil liberties, civil rights, human rights, equal rights, reproductive rights, applied ethics and aesthetics;
  3. dedication to the advancement of engineering disciplines, natural sciences, and social scienes through the promotion of progress in those areas, and the preservation, exploration, and advancement of related complex systems;
  4. a demonstrable contribution to the above as shown through: daily living, a body of work, a history of volunteerism, or relevant education in accordance with such principles; and,
  5. expression of strongly held, meaningful, and sincere beliefs through autonomous and personal practice with minimal hierarchy.
    we organize into
  1. participants, and
  2. ordained practitioners.
    we are recognized as
  1. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the United States, and
  2. a nonprofit religious corporation in the state of Oregon.